First Name: Soun

Last Name: Tendo

Children: Kasumi Tendo
Nabiki Tendo
Akane Tendo

Jusenkyo Curse: None

Age: 30 or 40 something

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black

Marital Status: Widower

Loves: His daughters in that father way.

Loved by: Alas.. Only his daughters... in that daughter way.

Rivals: Happosai
Anyone who kidnaps his daughters.

First Anime Appearence
Ranma � Volume 1
(Episode 1)

Voice Actors:
Oobayashi Ryunosuke
David Kaye

First Manga Appearence
Vol. 1.1
Internet Link Exchange
Member of the Internet Link Exchange

Since I was in the Tendo household to see the Saotomes, I figured it would be best to talk to whatever Tendos I could find. I found the head of the household, Soun Tendo sweeping the front walk and I took a moment of his time.
Ki: You're Soun, am I right?

Soun: Yes, that's my name. Soun Tendo. Who are you?

Ki: People call me Ki. I was wondering if I could have a word with you.

Soun: Hmm.. That shouldn't be a problem, I'm not too busy.

Ki: Good. Tell me about the Saotomes, would you?

Soun: The Saotomes eh? Let me think a moment. Well, I met Genma some years ago. We trained together through much of our youth. Though our real bonding experience was under the tyranny of Master Happosai, who is the founder of and trained us in the Anything Goes School. After disposing of him, temporarily unfortunately, Genma and I made a pact to marry our children to secure the school.

Ki: I see, so you trained together under Happosai, is it?

Soun seemed to get a little edgy when I mentioned the name

Soun:(whispering now) Yes, we trained under the Master, but please, let's not dwell on that. He could overhear us.

Ki: He's here? In the dojo? What's wrong with overhearing us?

Soun: (glancing around) Yes, he's returned and is here to train Ranma as his heir to the Anything Goes School of Martial Arts. Apparently you weren't warned when you got here, young lady, but the Master has a bit of a problem. Someone as good looking as you should have been told. Who let you in?

Ki: Young lady?! Wait just a second, there! Oh nevermind.. Ranma let me in.

Soun: (nodding) That isn't surprising. He's nothing but trouble, I must say. Not that I really mind him being here, but all he's done is brought chaos and the damages to the dojo have been unbelievable.

Ki: I can understand that. I heard he and Akane don't get along too well.

Soun It's not really those two who are the problem. It's his other fiances that tear up the place. If they'd let them be alone, then Genma and I could get Akane and Ranma together.

Ki: OTHER FIANCES?! How many does he have?

Soun Ki, was it? How long have you been here? Surely you aren't blind! Ranma's engaged to every destructive girl in Nerima, not to mention some others.

Ki: Hey, I just got here.

Soun: Yes. Well, I blame it mostly on Genma's parenting. He seems to have instilled such lose morals on Ranma. I don't know what he's been teaching that boy, but when they came back from China nothing was as painful as Shampoo.

Ki: Shampoo? What brand?

Soun: (laughing suddenly, but then stops dead) It's not a laughing matter. She's working at a local restoraunt, the Cat Cafe.

Ki: Oh? It's a girl? I suppose I'll have to drop in and say hi.

Soun: Because Ranma has defeated her in battle he is duty-bound to wed her, though there was a point in time when we were skeptical about his relationship with her in China. That was settled over time, though. It has become clear that Ranma doesn't have much intrest in her, either. Though Shampoo's great-grandmother tries very hard to get them together.

Ki: Maybe I should pack up and go home. I think I'm terribly confused.

Soun: As are we all at times, miss. Ranma has had that effect on many.

Ki: Look, sir, I'm not a girl... oh forget it. Look, Mr. Tendo, I'm going to try to sort things out elsewhere. I'll stop back if I get any more questions from fans, ok? I can't really deal with all of this right now.

Soun: That sounds fair enough. (he began whistling to himself and sweeping again)

If you have any questions you would like to ask Soun, write them in below, and come back again later to see if Ki asks Your question!

Ki: I got one! Here, "Mr. Tendo, how is it that your home can stay open with all the damages that the Saotome's and others cause? I have not seen any financial income that you or Genma recieve, except when Genma works at Dr. Tofu's and when Nabiki gets money."

Soun: First of all, the repairs are done by Genma and me since other than that, we have nothing better to do than play some type of board game. And I do have some students, but they don't come by as often as they used to since the Saotome's arrived. Genma does work for Dr. Tofu. Though everyone seems to think Nabiki is a source for us. Well, she is but she'll charge her own father for the intrest. (beginning to weep slightly) It's so tragic.

Ki: It's okay, big guy, I'm sure she doesn't realize. But I have a new question, "Am I correct that the School Of Anything Goes Martial Arts must take any challenge at any time, right? So why did you back down from the Dojo Destroyer and hide behind Ranma and Akane, claiming that it was theirs? After all, it's only theirs if they marry, do I even have that correct?"

Soun: (sniffling slightly) Oh.. you're too kind, Ki. And technically a member of the school of Martial Arts doesn't have to accept every challenge. There is an obvious matter of pride involved when you decline, but that's something that's different in all of us. As for the Dojo Destroyer, Ranma and Akane were far better suited to deal with that. Yes, it's true that my dojo won't be theirs until their wedding day, but it seemed like a good chance to get them to work together so it would be theirs some time soon.

Ki: That's a good idea, Mr. Tendo. Too bad that it wasn't as successful as you had hoped. How about this, though, "And when you tried to kill Happosai, why couldn't you make sure he was dead, instead of sliding that boulder into place and assuming he died?"

Soun: Frankly, it didn't matter if he had died, and neither Saotome or I really suspected that he did. It was the boulder that kept him there all those years. The wards that we effectivly placed on it, kept the Master from escaping and getting his revenge.

Ki: Someone else wants to know, "Would you ever consider re-marrying?"

Soun: Oh.. I don't know. I have so much to think about. The Dojo and the girls. Now, I'm relatively responcible for the Saotomes and I do miss Mrs. Tendo so much. I just don't know. Maybe someday, but surely I wouldn't consider anything like that now, no.

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